Saturday, June 4, 2016

Journey into Florida's past

So what are the kiddos learning these last few days of school? Is it really all fun and games, or is there meaningful content still being shared among the students? Well, if you were to look in Mrs. Cabral's room, you'd see a little bit of both going on. Fun and games tied in with learning.

Her students took a journey down Florida's history, and imagined what it would be like to have stepped foot on Florida's sandy beaches back in the days of the explorers. What would they see? What would they feel? Using their Chromebooks and Google Docs, the students shared journal entries, 3 a day, as if they were explorers first setting foot on Florida's shores.

I don't know about you, but when I think of Florida in its yesteryear state, I think of driftwood, brilliant white sandy beaches, fresh air...

Well, hot air, actually.

How might the first Floridians lived? How do the students think they lived? Below are some snapshots of student thinking. What do YOU think it might have looked like in years past?

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