Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Neat Add-on for Faster Feedback

If you've ventured into the world of Google Classroom, or Google ANYthing to do with education, surely you've had the chance to run into Alice Keeler. She's only the Guru of all things Google Education. For fun she writes scripts. Yes, for fun. Lucky for us. One such fun script she wrote is for Pull the Paragraph.

Working with Google Docs, when a teacher assigns "Make a copy for all students" option in the Google Classroom and "passes out" a Google Document for each child, the teacher has the option, thanks to Alice Keeler, to pull ALL of the documents into ONE spreadsheet, read each student's work by scrolling, instead of opening, commenting, closing, finding the other one, opening, commenting, closing...rinse, repeat...

With Pull the Paragraph, you read, comment and send back to student all from one spreadsheet.

Take a look at her "how to" on her blog to see some screen shots about this awesome add-on for Google Docs. (note that this works ONLY for Google Docs, not Sheets, Slides or Drawing)

If you look around Alice Keeler's blogsite, you might find a LOT of neat tricks and tips for Google Education anything. Take a look around and let us know of some great finds YOU found useful!

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