Friday, November 18, 2016


Picture this scenario: you're in your classroom, getting your PowerPoint set up. The projector is hooked up and running, the computer has the PowerPoint set up, and you start the lesson.

Then it starts. The bulb is dim, the students in the back can't see. The screen is blurry, and any number of issues that seem to crop up when you try to utilize a presentation to enhance the lesson.

Enter NearPod. I had heard of nearpod, but really didn't know anything about it. My "tech crew" helped me explore the software, and they were REALLY impressed!

Simplest terms would be it's a presentation you can show online. Perfect for a 1:1 classroom. Why?

A couple of reasons come to mind:
1. No more, "I can't see the board"
2. Within the presentation, you, the teacher, have the option to enter an "activity" slide, where the students can actually interact with the program.
3. You, the teacher, can choose to add 3D animation to the slides (free)
4. The basic usage is free, (that include student interaction to the slides), and for a subscription, you can have webpages embedded into the slides.
5. You, as the teacher, have the option to send out a Nearpod presentation in "live mode", which means YOU decide when it's time to advance to the next side, or as a "Student Pace", which is exactly what it means--students work at their own pace. This would be great for reviews.

There is a free version which in and of itself, is awesome. For a paid subscription, you have access to a few more bells and whistles. You decide which is right for you.

For the student interaction alone, as well as the "I can't see the board!" would be motivation enough for me to want to try it out. What about you? If you use it in your classroom, I would love to hear how you use it!

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